
Event Management Portal Adobe XD

Event Management Portal is an AdobeXD freebie. High quality design! 

The best events management solutions offer a simpler and easier way to manage not just events but also attendees. 

However, managing events can be tough – there are people to invite, registrations to manage, and commercial responsibilities if you’re a business looking to partner with sponsors. And that’s just the start.

Marketers and event organizers can make life easier for themselves. For instance, by deploying one of the best event management solutions available to run events stress-free.  That’s anything from a small gathering to a multi-day conference.

Events management solutions are always evolving. Firstly, adding new features and enabling higher levels of productivity through mobile devices. Secondly, all while integrating with a range of social media platforms to help organizers spread the word.

The design of this platform is very simple, but effective. Moreover you can easily find the event you are searching for. Filters sidebar will make users experience fully. Events are separated in two categories: past and future. Every event has a brief info in the main screen: Date, Location, Rating and Presumptive visitors. Above all the most important function – Create event.

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